Disclaimer: I do not own Dragonball Z or the characters attributed to the series.

Forward: For the people who enjoyed Part one: Beyond This Day, here is Part two: Conquest. I found that I was not ready to leave this universe yet...I hope you all enjoy this as much as I have...Lisa

Note: This is by far, the most ambitious project I have undertaken. Bear with me as it unfolds.


By: Lisa Starr






"Koola we will begin our search of Namek at your order." Jeiyce's lilting-accented voice broke through the intercom. Koola frowned at the interuption, turning from his guest to answer the urgent summon.

"Exactly Jeiyce--you idiot-- my summons. Have I summoned you?" Koola's voice oozed with an ugly, impatient sarcasm. "Hold until I see fit to tell you otherwise and don't interupt me again." He turned his white face back towards the viewscreen that decorated his meeting room; his hand shooting outwards to grab the crystal glass of Arlian wine. A tribute to his long-dead brother. Dead three long years...mostly.

"Excuse the interuption Doctor Gero. My associates can be quite boorish from time to time. Hardly on the same, sophisticated, level as you and I. "

"Of course." Gero's arrogant voice filled the room. "I understand perfectly. Subordinates can be so..." Gero paused. "... tiresome."

"Yes, well, where were we, my dear Doctor, before we were so rudely interupted? I do believe you were about to update me on the progress of our little test project."

"Ahh yes. The project. Everything is going as planned. The brain is regenerating nicely; every part of it has remained fully intact. May I say, your promptness in retrieving and storing it has made all this much easier. "

Koola inclined his head sharply; eyes glittering brightly-- like diamonds.

"How long until the body will be ready?"

"I cannot say. While the brain is regenerating successfully and at an amazingly speedy rate, it will take some time. These things cannot be rushed. If you want perfection, then you must be willing to wait."

"Alright, Gero. I will give you some time. Two weeks and no more. Certainly, I have plenty of side-projects to keep me busy during that time. Dragonballs to find, planets to conquer; a Saiya-jin bastard and his whore to kill. You will of course keep me informed."

"Two weeks is hardly enough time to get done all I need to accomplish!" Gero blustered, his face alight with anger and disbelief. Surely you can't expect me to have all in completetion by then?

"Two weeks, my dear Doctor Gero. No more. Unless you want me to change the terms of our arrangement. Certainly I can find something to do with the second set of Dragonballs. The set on Chikyuu. Why just think of the thing I could wish for if the Namekkian and Chikyuu-jin balls were in my possession." Koola's voice held the barest hint of amusement. The Doctor would be so predictably easy to manipulate. As if he had any intention on sharing the dragonballs with the bastard. The he would wish for Gero to be in his servitude...but that was the best the evil genius could possibly work for.

"Of course not. " Gero bowed his head. "I will have him ready. Two weeks. I will contact you as soon as it is complete."

"Good. I'm glad we could reach a compromise. Until we speak again." Koola raised the crystal glass in salute--ending the transmission abruptly. Yes, things were slowly starting to go his way. Now he need only get these dragonballs. With those he could finally become immortal and rule the universe. Something more then his errant brother had been able to do. Of course there was also the joy of finding and killing Vegeta. He owed his brother that much, before he wished for Frieza's immortal soul for all eternity.

"Ahh dear brother. For once things are mine...not yours. I will be the one in charge of the universe...the one to whom people bow before and you...you will be just a side-note in history. Finally--glory will be mine, but don't you worry. I will avenge our family. It is the least I can do."




Gero swiveled angrily in his chair; eyes lighting angrily on the large jar that held his project, fighting the urge to smash it and its contents to bloody pieces. Two weeks! How on Chikyuu would he possibly be able to get this done in two weeks time? The brain might not even be fully regenerated in two weeks time. They had been lucky to find what they had, let alone what he, himself, would have to manufacture. Koola wanted major brain functions changed...certain instincts enhanced and to even begin to generate a body...well that would take days, months even. Gero couldn't be rushed. Surely there was something he could do.

"You wouldn't be so cocky, Koola, if I held the Chikyuu-jin dragonballs. What would you do then?"

Gero turned and hit his transmitter, waiting impatiently for a reply. He had an idea. Juuhachi and Juuana. They could locate the balls or at least get him some information. If he could reach them before Koola did and there was no reason he couldn't, then he would hold some of the power. He had at least two weeks.

"Yes Doctor Gero?" Juuanagou's vapid voice crackled serenely through the transmitter. "You called?"

"Get your sister and get up here. I have a job for you!"

"Do we get to harrass some more of the countryside? I'd like to go up against that Piccolo fellow again."

"Just get up here and do what I say--now!" Gero barked into the transmitter, angrily slamming it onto his desk. Why did they have to be so headstrong and difficult? He had made serious mistakes with them. Mistakes he would have to remedy. Too many damning human traits left in them. Later...after they had found him the Chikyuu-jin dragonballs. There would be time, later, to correct past mistakes. He would have to deal with one problem at a time. One problem at a time.





"Jeiyce!" Koola barked sharply, irritably, into the receiver for the thirteenth time. "Why was it when he wanted them he could never get them to answer, yet when he was occupied...they were ready to serve. Inferior beings. He despised them all.

"Yes Lord Koola!" Jeiyce's eager voice crackled through the transmitter.

"What in the hell took you so long to answer. I should punish you for your lack of readiness."

"I apologize my Lord. Recoome and I were attempting to scout out the higher energy sources here on Namek. See if anyone might offer any true resistance."

"You're worried about Namek-jin warriors? Are you so weak that you cannot take them on?"

"Of course not, Lord Koola. We just wanted to be sure we were prepared."

"Whatever." Koola was growing weary of the tiresome discussion. He wanted to gather the balls anbd get the hell off this planet. It was absolutely disgusting. "You may begin your search for the dragonballs. Kill anyone who resists you in any way. As a matter of fact, why don't you just kill them anyway. We woud be doing the universe a favor if we simply wiped them from existence...don't you think?"

"Yes, Lord Koola. If that is what you wish."

"Yes Jeiyce. It is what I wish. More to the point it is what I command. See to it that it is done quickly. I want to leave this disgusting piece of rock immediately."

"Of course Lord Koola. It will be as you command."


Ship orbiting outside Arlian airspace

"Ahh Dabura, the moment we have been waiting for, for so long is finally on hand. You have played the diplomatic game very well...with a little help from me..." The annoyingly aroused voice cut through Dabura's concious, making him smile.

"Yes Babidi. None of this would even be remotely possible without you. The universe is well within our grasp. If I can persuade the Saiya-jin to join with me..." Dabura's raspy voice broke off. All could be theirs if they could gain control of the Saiya-jin Prince and his men and more importantly their power.

"We have set our sights on Vegeta. He is the one who will fall under our control the quickest. We must of course remove him from under the influence of that tiresome woman he is with. She will hinder our plans with her pureness. He behaves himself because of her. Her control must be brought to an end if we are to unleash his full power.

"Of course Babidi. I will see her destroyed. When we dock with the Saiya-jin ship for our meetings. I should be able to find some time to appropriately end her worthless life." Dabura's beady black eyes flared wide for a moment. Ahh the anticipation of the kill. It was what he lived for. To conquer and vanquish and to serve Babidi.

"Good." Babidi giggled giddily. "I knew I could count on you Dabura. I will leave you to your meditations. Make sure you prepare yourself well--my friend. We will need all our skilll to manipulate one as strong as Vegeta. "

"Yes Babidi. I swear I will be ready."

* * * * *

Table of Contents
Chapter 1